I have been frequently using DBeaver all week with no dumping problems.
User credentials of mysqldump overwrite local configuration now Zerofill flag support was added NULL values of “text” type rendering was fixed Dump/restore credentials override option was added My workaround was to get the Oracle driver jar files on my local drive somehow, then I defined my own Oracle driver by going to Database -> Driver manager in DBeaver. Most likely required jar files are missing.
If the file name is an empty string ('') or the file name contains a valid path but no file name or an invalid. ) Connector/ODBC is a standardized database driver for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms. Select a data source that you want to create: Dbeaver Mariadb Driver Dbeaver Mariadb Driver Files Are Missing Dbeaver Mariadb Local Client Last updated: August 17th 2020. On the install I just did, the path was: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\Connector J 8. Search all the available packages containing MySQL. If the classpath is missing an entry for the right Jar file, an application will throw the common Class not found exception. Dbeaver mysql driver files are missing Launch DBeaver and open a new MySQL connection.